
Premiya na rodnom v nominatsii dizayn i remeslo[1]

The award “At Home” in the nomination “Design and craft”

JSC Gzhel Porcelain Factory received an award for a collaboration created with fashion designer Sergey Sysoev. The collaboration has been successfully implemented since 2018, when the Gzhel Porcelain Factory for the first time presented dishes in a minimalistic design inspired…

Гжельский арт-объект на Неделе интерьера и дизайна

Gzhel art object at the Interior and Design Week

The Gzhel Porcelain Factory presented an art object at the IV Moscow Interior and Design Week in the Manege. On May 16, the opening of the traditional Interior and Design Week took place in Moscow. At the exhibition, you can…

Гран-При в конкурсе "Туристский сувенир Золотого кольца"

Grand Prix in the Golden Ring Tourist Souvenir Competition

Porcelain coffee cups won the Grand Prix in the nomination “Decorative and applied souvenir of the Golden Ring” in the price category from 3000 rubles. The defense of the project, the evaluation of the jury and the awarding of…

"Дачный ответ" с гжельским фарфором

“Summer cottage answer” with Gzhel porcelain

“Neither to plow, nor to sow, but only to live for pleasure, to live only to breathe clean air,” Chekhov described the country life of the turn of the XIX-XX centuries in the story “New Cottage”. The summer resident became…

Bezuprechnaya gzhel bolshoe intervyu telekanalu 360t[1]

“Impeccable gzhel” a big interview with 360 TV Channel

The revival of the traditions of the XIX century, the world premiere and a real work of art. The collection of the finest tableware was presented at the Gzhel Porcelain Factory. How did you manage to create it? Isn’t it…

Gzhelskiy zavod na vystavke rossiya [1]

Gzhel Porcelain Factory at the exhibition “Russia”

The Moscow region presented products of seven folk crafts at the exhibition “Russia” at VDNH. Currently, the region is the country’s leader in the production of handicrafts. Sixty percent of all such industries are located here. At the fair, you…

Blagotvoritelnye master klassy na detskom inklyuzivnom festivale

Charity workshops at the children’s Inclusive Festival

On June 3, the 13th Inclusive World Without Borders Festival was held in Lyubertsy, Moscow region. The festival was held in a new status — neighboring countries took part in it. This year, the Lyubertsy Triumph Sports Palace has hospitably…